About Us

We're human.
We're human.
Band Pix!?
Band Pix!?
Bra straps galore
Bra straps galore
Patent pending...
Patent pending...


Monkey is an aspiring writer (find her most recently published story here), working editor, and all-around-cool-guy (meaning, she's lame AF, and that's fine). When not doing those things, she spends her free time sucking at guitar, sucking at painting, and trying to plan out a perfect life.


Sox, contrary to popular belief can actually tie her shoes all by herself, thank you very much. By day she fixes and refinishes furniture. By night she . . . still sometimes does that. This is her first podcasting foray (barring that 20 year old tape cassette that definitely does not exist) so enjoy the fumbles.

Holy eff look how dapper...
Holy eff look how dapper...